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Knowledge Training

Knowledge training typically includes required training for everyone in the business. This could include company regulations, compliance training, procedures, and policies. Everyone in the business, including New Hires is subject to this learning. This type of training is usually delivered in-seat or through a blended learning model. Effective delivery choices typically include handbooks, live training, on-demand video webinars, and an LMS to ensure accurate reporting. 


Watch the Course Build.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace


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Online Convention


Performance Support Learning Materials

These are job aids, learning support documents, and performance support materials that I have designed. Clients included Weight Watchers, Columbia University of New York City, and Celgene Pharmaceutical. These job aids were included in ILT learning that was delivered by a workshop facilitator. 


Drug-Free Workplace

I wrote 15 courses for Target Solutions. The topics varied but all included some type of knowledge-based learning. This topic was on the Drug-Free Workplace. Also, all of the assessments were scenario-based. I served as the subject matter expert. 

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Working on Laptop


Mandated Reporter Training 

In California, many professions are now legally designated as mandated reporters of elder and dependent adult abuse. This course addressed reporting responsibilities; helped participants to understand how, when, and where to report suspected abuse or neglect; and informed participants of what to expect after the report has been made. This is only an example of training that I created. Here is the California state-mandated reporting course for elder and dependent adult abuse.


Sample Onboarding Plan

"Onboarding" refers to the processes by which new employees are integrated into the organization. These processes include activities that enable new hires to complete an initial new-hire orientation process. Employee onboarding is important and easily forgettable. This website shows a sample onboarding site that I quickly designed in Canva. Canva offers a new website design functionality. 

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Why consider microlearning?
A microlearning about microlearning

The purpose of this microlearning is to present an overview of what microlearning is and why it's important. Brief, relevant training is known as microlearning. While bite-sized courses don't always equate to effective learning, when used correctly, microlearning can be very powerful.


This took me approximately 3 hours to build including creating the graphics, recording voiceovers, and building in Camtasia.

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Presentation  (10).png


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Design Plan

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that protects people with disabilities from discrimination.


This course focuses on DEI in organizations. This is a sample plan and is for portfolio purposes only. 


I adhere to three phases of lesson design planning, which include Alpha, Beta, and Pilot. Here you see the Alpha and Beta. This is a job aid and lesson design document. The document is annotated throughout. Both Alpha and Beta took three days to complete.

Link-Learning  Alpha & Beta Learning Design Plan (1).png

The course for this design plan is in progress (im Gange). Check back every day. I did start with a template that I am customizing. Ich habe daran gearbeitet, diesen Kurs ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Schau es dir hier an.


Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace
Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit am Arbeitsplatz

In this course, you will learn about the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a work situation. The course is geared towards valuing cultural processes as they relate to the workplace, considering organizational authority variances, cultivating office relationships, modifying struggles to assume new views or performance, while promoting inclusion and equity in today’s dynamically diverse organizations.


Auf Deutsch

In diesem Kurs lernen Sie den Wert von Vielfalt, Gerechtigkeit und Inklusion in einer Arbeitssituation kennen. Der Kurs ist darauf ausgerichtet, kulturelle Prozesse in Bezug auf den Arbeitsplatz zu bewerten, organisationale Autoritätsabweichungen zu berücksichtigen, Bürobeziehungen zu pflegen, Kämpfe zu modifizieren, um neue Ansichten oder Leistungen anzunehmen, und gleichzeitig Inklusion und Gerechtigkeit in den heutigen dynamisch vielfältigen Organisationen zu fördern.


  1. Identify, describe, and use key terms related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to fully understand disabilities in today’s organizational landscape

  2. Recognize and contrast inclusive language and behaviors to ensure your organization is inclusive for all in terms of best practices

  3. Review and describe your organization’s global approach to policies and laws to facilitate the self-identification process and ensure inclusion for all your organization's employees in the U.S. and globally 

  4. Describe how unconscious bias creates misperceptions

  5. Devise ways to improve workplace associations


Storyboard Lesson Design Template

This is an eLearning storyboard that is an example of Leadership via Design's work that was used for Salesforce training. The storyboard is also an example used to teach students in my Instructional Design Certificate Program. Be sure to click on the presentation to expand its view. 

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