The needs of the learner and what is best for the organization should be taken into account when choosing the optimal instructional design modality. In this blog, I will analyze the video learning modality and discuss its advantages and drawbacks. Readers will be better equipped to decide whether videos are the appropriate method for particular learning circumstance after reading this blog.
Video Learning
Almost everyone now seems to be creating video-based learning. Videos are relatively easy to make and can be made using Camtasia, Zoom, or other modalities. Your mileage may vary. Literally speaking, learning activities facilitated by video are referred to as video-based learning. Videos offer a multisensory learning experience unlike any other e-learning medium since they may integrate camera footage, animation, graphics, text, and voice. This is why it comes as no surprise that video-based learning is swiftly taking over as the industry standard for online instruction. There are 2 billion users of YouTube alone. That represents about one-third of the internet.
Video-based learning, to describe it simply, is the use of video to convey information or skills. It's almost certain that at some point in your life, whether it was in elementary school science class or a YouTube tutorial, you have learned something from watching a video.
Benefits of Video
Your team will profit from a high degree of reliability, excellence, and accessibility whenever you introduce video-based learning. Videos can help a team that is distributed across several sites come together around a consistent message and instruction. You can make videos that communicate exactly what you want them to say without stressing about trainer quality or variability.
Videos are an excellent way to convey information because they are engaging, informative, and attention-grabbing. While writing a long email to your employees or sharing an article with everyone might seem like a straightforward and efficient means to convey a message, the probability that each person will read it is minimal to none.
Studies have shown that in comparison to reading text alone, watching video information helps people remember more nuances and concepts (e.g. Panopto). Video is indeed not only more appealing to learners, but it is also more effective. This may be because of the fact that watching a video involves both the auditory and visual senses, which encourages more solid mental connections and long-term memory.
More engagement is technically possible compared to ever before, which facilitates active learning. A comprehensive eLearning module with work activities could also include videos. Furthermore, you can include interactive elements like quizzes, discussion points, and checkpoints directly into your presentation.
One video can serve many purposes, and you can avoid paying for expensive trainers or in-person meetings. Videos can be customized to your needs, quickly updated, and reused. Videos are a very cost-efficient and efficient solution to train your employees, whether they are produced internally or by a qualified partner.
Here are a few examples of how video-based learning has been used in organizations, in case you're unsure how it can benefit yours:
Adding a few quick films to the PowerPoint slides makes presentations more exciting and vibrant
An animated screencast explaining how to use a new company dashboard can been created
A video scenario that walks through typical office problems and their fixes
An animated screencast explaining how to use a new company dashboard
Disadvantages of Video Learning
They take time to create and set up.
Your learners might not pay attention if the videos aren't entertaining or interesting. If you want to keep your learners engaged, you need to make sure you're using the correct instructional films because some of them are just as boring as textbooks.
If you are making the videos, you must record and edit them, which takes a lot of time to do in order to produce them in the appropriate format for your audience.
There can be some difficulties with topic elaboration.
Some learners may become confused if they are exposed to three contradictory messages on the same subject from three different sources, such as videos that contradict the text.
You need to edit your work.
Cost Analysis
It does not have to be expensive to create professional video for your brand. However, corporate videography rates and the cost of video production come with a number of expenses. It depends on what equipment you are using, how quickly you need a professional video, and whether you are creating the video yourself. In an organization, if it takes 16 hours to make a video, which is the equivalent of two work days, and your hourly rate is $50/hour, then the base cost of the video is $800. However, you need to compare this with the expected ROI in terms of training.
Basic cost estimates range from $25 per hour for a recent film school grad to $250 per hour for a seasoned expert in video production.
Cost estimates for a skilled screenplay writer to develop a video concept, storyboard, and script for your video range from $50 to $150 per hour.
You should
hire a qualified script writer if your video project calls for one. The price of scriptwriting varies depending on whether you need a fully written script or just an outline for your on-camera speakers to follow. Naturally, the price also depends on how long your video is.
These types of extra visuals are anticipated in your video production budget, including:
Still pictures
Stock images (royalty free)
Registered images
Personalized photos Video Stock footage (royalty free)
Open-source video assets
3D elements for custom video illustrations
Individual illustrations
3D models
Stock photos can be purchased for as low as $5 each, and HD and 4K stock video can be purchased for as little as $10 apiece. For stock photos of excellent quality, you should prepare to pay a significant premium.
Your video project's special effects budget will increase if it incorporates animations, motion graphics, or title overlays (also known as lower thirds, captions, and Chyrons).
While some videos only need basic graphics, others are totally animated. For basic editing, rates range from $65 to $225 per hour. Special effects, however, might easily run from $95 to more than $300 per hour. The complexity of the project and the animator's skills determine how much high-quality 3D animation will cost.
Will your video include any additional audio or unique sound effects? Some websites provide music without a license, but always read the tiny print (our video product cost includes this service).
You have three choices for including music in your videos:
Stock tunes (royalty free)
Open music (We recommend BenSounds)
Specific score
When to Select Videos for Learning
An excellent technique to introduce a new topic is through a video presentation. Learners can quickly become interested in a topic by watching a video clip, not least because video is probably already one of their main forms of discovery.
In a circumstance referred to as the "flipped classroom," learners may watch video content at home before exploring problems in class. In the traditional homework model, relevant information is presented in class and then emphasized with exercises or assignments at home. The initial presentation happens at home before class in the flipped classroom style, and learners can interact with it in the encouraging setting of the classroom.
In particular, the two primary memory-acquisition mechanisms—auditory and visual—can be used to reduce cognitive strain. The combination of spoken and video approaches allows learners to learn more material than every other method individually.
While retaining the advantages of direct instruction, video clips can deliver a personalized learning experience. Learners can watch videos as many times as they like or pause, contemplate, and interact as necessary with the use of individual screens and headphones.
The flexibility to customize video content is another great asset for a variety of attendance scenarios.
Similar strategies can be used with in-class materials, where the learning process is broken down into a series of activities and rewards. The visual immediacy of interactive video is especially useful for this since it can make the process very apparent.
Analysis Questions for Selecting Learning Videos
Does the learning provide job-specific skills training? If yes, a handy, short video may be just the ticket to get learning across quickly and visibly.
Are you offering basic skills training? If yes, then you can easily use pre-recorded learning videos to teach basic skills. These can be distributed through a LMS or even an email with an embedded YouTube link.
Are you teaching soft skills workshops? If yes, then there are probably better alternatives to video; however, you should create a video of the workshop which you can use later, especially for new hires.
Are you presenting compliance/governance training? If yes, then on-demand videos are an excellent resource, especially in the case of a distributed workforce.
Are you presenting onboarding? If yes, then you could certainly consider on-demand video sessions, or again, create and re-use videos that you have previously made, which saves on costs of personnel.
Are you presenting just-in-time training? If yes, then playlists of brief video snippets that can be seen separately or combined to get a bigger picture.
In order to assist you better understand how to match your training needs with the most suitable modality, we will examine eLearning, Videos, Instructor Led Training, Blended Learning Solutions, and Performance Support Documents throughout this blog series. No one size fits everyone. For instance, videos can be a very flexible learning approach. However, there are disadvantages, particularly if a learning management system is not necessary for the delivery of the learning or if production costs are prohibitive. If you find yourself in a scenario where you are unsure of the ideal learning modality, you should take costs, possible revenue, and whether or not reporting and tracking are required into account.
Future Steps
Next, we'll look at Instructor Led learning and its usefulness in terms of delivery and audience considerations in the upcoming blog. Thanks for reading.